The new generation of HOLVES fermenters, Hub240 series is an all-in-one multi-fermenter for laboratory users.
Read article "New Product!Hub240 parallel fermenter, the "simple" way to do the job"Newsroom
A new Twin220 lab duplex fermentater was launched to achieve efficient and stable operation.
Read article "New Product! Twin220 parallel fermenter, simplify your intelligent lab!"Fermentation control system developed by Holves with various intelligent automation functions.
Read article "Parameter control of the fermenter system"Holves developed the Cla210 series of laboratory fermenters, the best presentation solution for multiple systems
Read article "Significant advantages of parallel fermenters"The technical platforms for systems biology are omics such as genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, interaction omics and phenomics, etc.
Read article "Systems Biology and Genomics Technology丨fermenter"HOLVES has been committed to the development of high-precision feeding systems, providing a variety of feeding methods.
Read article "Feed-Sup® feeding system has been officially launched!"Increasing the culture density of engineered bacteria and increasing the specific productivity of the product
Read article "High Density Fermentation of Synthetic Biology and Engineering Bacteria"